Good Things Come to Those Who Manage Their Time
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For this third installment of Career Tips in 2015, let’s look at ways thanks to which you will be able to overcome the setbacks and slippages which are sure to come your way (we discussed those last month; if you missed the article, go there) and achieve the objectives you set yourself for this year.
Fundamental to goal attainment is your own personal effectiveness. This offering is the first of three on that theme.
So let’s get cracking: do you recognize this little guy?
This is of course the famous White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland .
The White Rabbit is always running behind. Do you know what it feels like? This constant rushing – from one task to the next? Are you often late, running behind for meetings?
Do you often find that the day is gone, it’s 6pm or 7pm, or even later, and you haven’t done what you planned? So you have to work late or you bring work home during the evening or even during the weekend?
Is it because there is just too much to do? Too many things to fit into the day and too little time to do them all?
Now do you recognise this other little guy?
Just as famous as the White Rabbit: it is the ‘headless chicken’! Do you spend your days in a flurry of activity and yet you don’t feel you’ve achieved very much?
Do you feel frustrated that you don’t seem to have enough time? Do you notice yourself getting impatient? Or maybe you have so much to do, you’re not sure what task to do first?
If you stopped rushing everywhere, how different would your life be as a result? What does life feel like when you’re able to manage your time well?
First, you’ll make your deadlines. That’s because, if you have work objectives which you want to achieve, then you most probably have due dates. So, if you want to meet your deadlines, you will most probably have to manage your time. As I am sure you know, in a work situation in particular, delivering on time is often as important as the content you deliver.
But that’s not all. What happens when you make your deadlines? Well, I’d say you should feel proud, satisfied, personally gratified. But also others will notice, especially your boss who should be grateful. If you are one of those people who deliver on time, you will be known as dependable and chances are that you will be entrusted with visible work, something which will give you a chance to shine in the eyes of senior management. And line you up for further advancement!
So I would suggest to you that time management is key to the right kind of success at work.
But there are more benefits. Personal benefits. You see, when you manage your time well, you will be able to leave the office when you decide – not when you’re done and it’s already 9pm. You will get to see your family, your kids before they go to bed, chat to your spouse because you will still have time and energy, meet your friends. You will get to have a life, right?
Would you agree then that managing your time is also important to your well-being?
Let me know what you think by dropping me a line!
If you don’t have it already, get your copy of “5 Gear Shifts to Accelerate your Career!” and learn about the five building blocks of any successful career! Get it here now!