Welcome to a special edition of “Career Acceleration” tips where I would like to tell you about what I truly believe is a ground-breaking career package which I have just put together for you. It’s called the “Career Acceleration Jumpstart Kit”!
(click below to view the video or read on if you’d prefer!)
The Kit is full of goodies:
- a free report to help you assess and build up your career (more below),
- a unique video tutorial accessible only to those who will receive the Kit telling you about my formula for career success,
- a complimentary subscription to this newsletter so you get regular tips in the form of very practical, pragmatic pointers which you can immediately test out in your workplace, and
- finally… a surprise which only those recipients of the Kit will get to hear about!
If this description has wetted your appetite and you want the Kit right now, simply click here. A pop-up box will appear where you can enter your name and email and you will receive a link to the Kit within seconds.But if you’d like to know more, let me tell you a but about the free report and what it will do for you. It’s called the “5 Gear Shifts to Accelerate Your Career!”
Because I’m a Career Accelerator, I have considered all I know about the opportunities and the challenges which are part and parcel of life at work and I have devised a career development system based on my absolute conviction that creating a career hinges on the following five core building blocks:
- Perform,
- Get Along,
- Know Yourself,
- Be Versatile, and
- Lead.
While I share my career development system only with my clients, I have put together a free report where I discuss these five building blocks in some detail so you can consider what they mean for you with respect to your career.
An important point here: there is NO one way to build a successful career but to build the career that’s right for you, I believe you will find it useful to think about what each of these building blocks means to you.
So, if you want to take stock of where you are at in your career, or if you are looking for fresh ideas about progressing your career, or if there is something currently bothering you about your career, this report is designed to help you take a simple but comprehensive look at your career. It’s only 16 pages so don’t miss out: especially in these challenging times, managing your career is an even more delicate matter because budgets are tight and everyone competes for the same opportunities!
To get the report as well as the other goodies in the “Career Acceleration Jumpstart Kit”, simply click here.
I know we all get inundated with free helpful information these days so you may be wondering whether it is really worth your time to look at my 16-page career building report.
In particular, those of you watching whose career is progressing well may wonder if this will be a good use of your scarce time. Let me ask you this if you don’t mind? So your career is doing great and that’s brilliant but…
- Do you know why your career is progressing well?
- Do you know what it will take for you to take your career to the next stage?
See how these questions resonate with you and be assured that the “5 Gears” will help you find the answers to those questions so that you ensure that your career continues to progress well.
For those readers who are unsure about whether their career is where they’d like to be, let me ask you:
- Is there something holding you back?
- Would you like to know what’s getting in the way of you feeling that you have the career that you want and deserve?
The “5 Gears” will definitely help there so that you put an end to that feeling of frustration and get ideas about how to make some changes.
Whether your career is doing well or not, spending a bit of ‘me time’ with the “5 Gears” report is an occasion to step back from the fast pace of your workplace and get some perspective – to give yourself some space to take stock of how your career, your work life, is doing.
To get the report as well as the other goodies in the “Career Acceleration Jumpstart Kit”, simply click here.
For those of you still reading, let me end by sharing a bit of my own story so you know why I’m telling you all this.
Today, I have my own business but I spent 23 years in finance and at times it felt like a real roller coaster! Only 18 months into my first job ever, I got a new boss I didn’t get along with and that nearly got me fired!
That career accident early on really drove the point home for me that I had better start managing my career or I wouldn’t have one for very much longer. I never forgot that experience and while that didn’t prevent me from running into obstacles afterwards, I believe that the lessons I learnt from this early incident gave me really important insights into how to steer my career in order to get what I wanted out of it.
That episode left me very confused, frustrated and scared. So I put my thinking cap on and focused on building up a network of allies who would support me. I worked on becoming politically-savvy, learning what makes people tick and I also made sure I was a top performer. I took some risks and most paid off, allowing me to differentiate myself and stand out.
And indeed, I got everything I wanted from my career: the financial rewards and the promotions, wonderful colleagues and clients who became genuine friends, interesting work, a large variety of roles which challenged me and kept me learning, and the opportunity to lead increasingly larger teams….
Of course, I also got the downsides: the challenging colleagues whose sole purpose in life seemed to be to make mine miserable, the long hours, the boring administrative tasks, and the endless and pointless meetings… But I was able to cope with all of it, even though it was tough at times.
I am telling you all this because I want to you to know that it is absolutely possible to achieve your ambitions, whatever those may be, when it comes to your career. But I also want to caution you about thinking things like “My boss will ensure I get promoted”‘ or ‘”Merit is all I need to build a career.” No, building a career takes hard work. And the more you want, the more you have to put in.
The “5 Gears” report will help you understand
- What role you can play in building up the career which makes sense for you, and
- How to engage with others so they don’t stand in your way.
I have already helped many achieve their career ambitions. Feel free to read their testimonials there.
The “5 Gear Shifts to Accelerate your Career” report brings together all the things I have learnt about since that career accident over 20 years ago – whether it was from trying things out, seeing what worked and what didn’t, being guided by others, undertaking training or reading a few inspirational books!
My hope is that the “5 Gears” report will assist you in thinking about your career in a constructive way – a bit like my career accident got me to do some serious thinking – minus the bad boss of course!
To get the report as well as the other goodies in the “Career Acceleration Jumpstart Kit”, simply click here.
So get your copy of the “5 Gear Shifts to Accelerate Your Career”. I hope its few pages make a worthwhile difference to how you look at your career and what it means to you.
I will be interested to hear your views so, when you’re done, don’t hesitate to email me at alexandra@coachingforinspiration.com.
Until then, happy reading and bye for now!